Disciples of the Week

Each week students discus ways to become more like Christ by showing concern, care, kindness and love for one another. Students are nominated then selected to represent a disciple of the week. Their names are printed in the weekly Monday Memo.



The Mission of Sacred Heart School

schoolSchool is to direct each individual student to the knowledge of critical thinking, the basic skills, self discipline and Catholic Christian values which enable him or her to discover his or her unique qualities and to face the challenges of the future.


Student Learning Goals

(embedded in all subject areas)

Religion/Spirituality Students demonstrate knowledge of God and of the Catholic
religion and verify development of their spiritual lives.
Communication Students effectively communicate for a variety of purposes.
Analysis Students observe, infer, analyze, and evaluate ideas,
processes, structures, and organizations.
Problem solving Students solve problems and resolve conflicts individually and cooperatively.
Judgments/Decision Making Students make decisions based on gospel values.
Aesthetics/Fine Arts Students apply creativity and skill in the performing and fine
Civic Responsibility Students will be responsible members of local and global
Environment Students will be responsible and respectful of the environment.
Wellness Students formulate and achieve healthy lifestyles.
Technology Students effectively and morally use technology.
Life and Career Planning Students develop life long goals and strategies for living.